Download Admission Form
Download the admission form and pay the amount as applicable at the time of submission the form.
Reservation of Seats
Reservation of seat is as per State Govt and JSPC rules. But vacant seats may be converted to General quota after permission from the concerned Govt authority.
Stipend and Scholarship
As per Govt provision, backward candidates of Jharkhand (SC, ST and OBC) are entitled for scholarships. Meritorious and needy students are given discounts on course fee through application by the Trust.
Admission Criteria

Admission Form
Prospectus and Admission Form can be obtained in the Admin Office on all working days on payment of the prescribed fee by cash/ DD of any nationalised bank in favour of “Madhusthali Institute of Paramedical Sciences” payable at Madhupur. The Form can also be downloaded from our website i.e., and dully filled in all respect shall be submitted to the Principal of the Paramedical Institute along with the required documents through the post and the DD of form and processing.
Program Fee
The institution charges a fee as prescribed by the affiliating body/ Govt. of Jharkhand. The fees can be deposited in the cash counter of MIPS or by Demand Draft (DD) drawn from any Nationalized Bank in favour of “Madhusthali Institute of Paramedical Sciences” payable at Madhupur.
The fee will be collected on a Semester basis (6 months) at the beginning of each semester, to avoid penalty. However, all dues must be cleared before one month after filling up the Semester examination form.
Returned or dishonoured Cheque/ DD of any amount given by the candidate during admission will automatically cancel his/ her admission. Cancellation of admission for any reason will entail a deduction of Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousand) if cancellation is made within 05 days of admission, otherwise no refund is possible.
Necessary Documents (photocopies) for Admission
Verification of Documents
An incomplete admission form will be automatically rejected. Original documents will be verified by the Admission committee. Non- availability of any original certificate or mark sheet or CLC/ SLC/DLC on the date of admission will lead to debarment from admission. Student may submit a declaration to produce her/ his Migration Certificate within 30 days from the date of her/his admission.
Intimation of Selection
MIPS will intimate to the candidates only those who are selected through e-mail and over the phone.
College Uniform
It is mandatory to wear the uniform from day one of your life at MIPS, available from college on price.
As per Govt provision SC, ST and OBC candidates of Jharkhand are entitled to scholarships.
Council (JSPC) Examination
Students shall be required to attend a regular course of study. Candidates should have attended at least 80% of the total number of lectures delivered and practical done in each subject and 80% attendance in Clinical experience is needed during each academic year. The procedure of examination will be in the form of terminals, semester, pre-council followed by the Council examination in every one and two year